

se deruleaza

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  Kansas - Can I Tell You / 1974
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Kansas - Journey from Mariabronn / 1974

Adaugat de fane 31.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 844 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kansas - Journey from Mariabronn


Oh, I cannot tell you to make up your mind
And gather together the best of your kind
The prophets have spoken the words of ill fate
Your childhood has ended you've taken the bait
You've got the power it's there deep inside
Just look around and you'll know what you've tried
So much relies on the course that you take
The fool and the wise man both burn at the stake-ah

Look at the heads buried deep in the sand
Hiding from evil made by their own hand
The prophets have spoken the words of ill fate
Your childhood has ended you've taken the bait
You've got the power it's there deep inside
Just look around and you'll know what you've tried
So much relies on the course that you take
The fool and the wise man both burn at the stake-ah


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