

Alice in Chains
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  Alice In Chains - Grind / 1995
2.534 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Alice In Chains - Brush Away / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Sludge Factory / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You / 1995
1.494 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Alice In Chains - Head Creeps / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Again / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Again / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Shame in You / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - So Close / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Nothin' Song / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Frogs / 1995
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  Alice In Chains - Over Now / 1995
1.687 vizite - 0 comentarii
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Alice in Chains


Alice In Chains - God Am / 1995

Adaugat de sordi 09.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 2.014 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Alice In Chains - God Am


Dear god, how have you been then?
I'm not fine, fuck pretending
All of this death your sending
Best throw some free heart mending
Invite you in my heart, then
When done, my sins forgiven?
This God of mine relaxes
World dies I still pay taxes

Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am

So lord, I see you grinning
Must be grand always winning
How proud are you being able
To gather faith from fable

Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am
God am
My God am
God am

All the respect I'm giving
Shared strength acquired by living
All blooming life you're feeding
Cant hide sick ones you're weeding

Can I be as my God am
Can you be as God am
Can I be as my God am
God of all my God am
God am
God am
God am
God am


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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