

Foo Fighters
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  Foo Fighters - This Is a Call / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - I'll Stick Around / live 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Big Me / live 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Alone + Easy Target / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Good Grief / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Floaty / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Weenie Beenie / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Oh, George / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - For All the Cows / 1995
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  Foo Fighters - Wattershed / live 1995
1.633 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Foo Fighters - Wattershed / 1995
1.385 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Foo Fighters - Exhausted / 1995
1.551 vizite - 0 comentarii
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Foo Fighters


Foo Fighters - X-Static / 1995

Adaugat de margareta 26.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.305 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Foo Fighters - X-Static


Leading everything along
Never far from being wrong
Nevermind these things at all
It's nothing

Couldn't find a way to you
Seems that's all I ever do
Turning up in black and blue

All the static
We all left

Wait until the time has come
Figure that's where time comes from
Leaving all my senses numb
It's heaven

Lifted up the fay to see
Anything could never be
Anything but play to me
In order

All the static
We all left

Take it back for them to keep
Fallen into something deep
Not that I had made that leap

All the static
We all left

Where have all the wishes gone
Now that all of that is done
Wish I would've felt I've won
For once


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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