

Boz Scaggs ‎
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Boz Scaggs - Loan Me A Dime / 1969

Adaugat de TUDOR 26.08.2021  Adauga la favorite 594 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Boz Scaggs - Loan Me A Dime

Text/ versuri:

Somebody loan me a dime
I need to call my old time used to be
Somebody loan me a dime
I need to call my old time used to be
Little girl's been gone
And it's worrying me
It's worrying me
I know she's a good girl
But at that time I didn't understand
I know she's a good girl
But at that time I didn't understand
Somebody better loan me that dime
Oh yeah, I need a helping hand
Yeah, she's a good girl
But at that time I didn't understand
I know she's a good girl
But at that time I didn't understand
Somebody loan me that dime
I need a helping hand
Somebody loan me a dime
I need to call my old time used to be
Somebody loan me a dime
I need to call my old time used to be
Little girl's been gone
And it's worrying me, worrying me
It's worrying me, worrying me
I said it's worrying me, worrying me


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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