

The Golden Ratio
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  Ace of Base - All for You / 2010 live
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  Ace of Base - Blah, Blah, Blah on the Radio / 2010
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  Ace of Base - Southern California / 2010
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  Ace of Base - Told My Ma / 2010
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  Ace of Base - Juliet / 2010
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  Ace of Base - Vision in Blue / 2010
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  Ace of Base ft. Lex Marshall - Mr Replay / 2010
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  Ace of Base - Doreen / 2010
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Ace of Base


Ace of Base - One Day / 2010

Adaugat de emil 23.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 2.483 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Ace of Base - One Day


One Day...
I'm a sinner with a broken heart
It's not easy but we made it through a lot
Joy until the morning do us part
without love
without names, o-o-oh

One day, one day of my time
That's what it takes for you to love me
One day, one day of my time
And again and again that melody
You're never gonna reach that part of me, oh
One day, one day of my time

All forgotten with the break of dawn
But our story lingers on
I'm leaving with my passion full withdrawn
With your essense already gone

One day, one day of my time
That's what it takes for you to love me
One day, one day of my time
And again and again that melody
You're never gonna reach that part of me, oh
One day, one day of my time

Maybe cos I'm a gambler.
Tired of this Bodegas
Some say I'm a rambler
Searching for my Vegas
searching for my Vegas

One day is all I need
is all I need..

Chorus [x2]


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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