

Desolation Angels
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Bad Company


Bad Company - Crazy Circles / 1979

Adaugat de fata 19.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.693 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Bad Company - Crazy Circles


Life is like a merry go round painted horses riding up and down
Music takes you and you're gone again
Crazy circles never seem to end

Oh I will face the sun
Leavin shadows for behind
And together we'll go on
Through time oh yeah

Life is just a game of chance
Some find riches and some romance
Some find happiness and some find sorrow
Some find it today and some maybe tomorrow

Oh I will face the sun
Leavin shadows for behind
And together we'll go on
Through time oh yeah

Life is like a carousel you aim for heaven
And you wind up in hell
To all the world you're livin like a king
But you're just a puppet on a broken string

Oh I will face the sun
Leavin' shadows for behind
And together we'll go on
Through time oh yeah

Life is like mmm and the life is like mmm
Crazy circles goin' round and round
Crazy circles round and round and round
One day you're up and the next day you're down
Life is like a merry go round


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