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XTC - Earn Enough for Us / 1986

Adaugat de marea 21.05.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.351 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
XTC - Earn Enough for Us


I've been praying all the week through
At home, at work and on the bus
I've been praying I can keep you
And to earn enough for us

I can take humiliation
And hurtful comments from the boss
I'm just praying by the weekend
I can earn enough for us

Found a house that won't repair itself
With it's windows cracking
And a roof held together with holes
Just because we're at the bottom of the ladder
We shouldn't be sadder
Than others like us
Who have goals for the betterment of life
Glad that you want to be my wife, but honest
I've been praying all the week through
At home at work and on the bus
I've been praying I can keep you
And to earn enough for us

So you're saying that we're going to be three
Now, a father's what I'll be
Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud
But the belt's already tight
I'll get another job at night, but honest

I can take humiliation
And hurtful comments from the boss
I'm just praying by the weekend
I can earn enough for us
Just because we're at the bottom of the ladder
We shouldn't be sadder
Than others like us
Who have goals for the betterment of life
Glad that you want to be my wife, but honest

I can take humiliation
And hurtful comments from the Boss
I'm just praying by the weekend
I can earn enough for us
I can earn enough for us


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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