

Life thru a Lens
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Robbie Williams - Life Thru a Lens / 1997

Adaugat de silvia 18.11.2012  Adauga la favorite 971 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Robbie Williams - Life Thru a Lens


Wake up on a Sunday morning
Everything feels so boring
Is that where it ends
Live your life thru a lens

Hair is the new hat, brown is the new black
She shouldn't wear this, he shouldn't wear that
Pleasure at leisure make mine a double
measure with friends
Fashion tardis down at Quo Vadis
Who laughs the longest who drives the hardest
Pleasure at leisure make mine a double
measure with friends

Just because I ain't double barrelled
Don't mean I haven't travelled well
Can't you tell!
Oh no it's quite appallin
Your conversation is boring , oh well!

Wake up on Sunday morning
And everything feels so boring
Is that where it ends
Live your life thru a lens

And now your boyfriend's suspicious
So go home and wash the dishes
And wash them well so he can't tell

She's looking real drab just out of rehab
I'm talking football she's talking ab fab
Your clothes are very kitsch
Just because your daddy is rich
You sound so funny with your voice all plummy
Now your cheque's just bounced better run
to your mummy
And you know it's a class act she'll never
ask for it back

Just because I ain't double barrelled
Don't mean I haven't travelled well
Can't you tell!
Mix with the local gentry and don't crash
Tarquin's Bentley
I'll take the ends with our life thru a lens
You're scared of the poor and needy
Is that why you're all in-breedy?
They're just like you, they need love too

Wake up on Sunday morning
And everything feels so boring
Is that where it ends
With your life thru a lens

And now your boyfriend's suspicious
So go home and wash the dishes
And wash them well so he can't tell


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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