

Peaks & Valleys
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Colin Hay - Into The Cornfields / 1992

Adaugat de TUDOR 23.06.2020  Adauga la favorite 890 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Colin Hay - Into The Cornfields

Albumm:Colin Hay ‎- Peaks And Valleys / anul 1992

Rock, Pop


Driving through the south, no need to stop for gas
That's all taken care of, by the gas man
Some of it is very beautiful, and some of it has scars
And some of it is ugly, as a bigot in a bar

Driving through the south by car, me and Bonn and Charlie B
The night makes us stop, by the side of the road for tea
I stare up in the distance, a branding iron is stuck up in the
night sky It's in the shape of America, and it's in flames, but I'm not sure why

Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields

And we know a secret, it happened some time ago
A woman killed a man here, she was in a travelling show
Burlesque you could say, with breasts and body beautiful
But serpents appeared from her shoulder blades, that's why the people come

Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
We don't we don't we don't want to go

We're in Virginia now, it's so beautiful and green
Hill and valleys and opens skies, yes it's the best we've ever seen

We're still sitting by the roadside, waitin' for a sign
Yeah me and Bonn and Charlie B, together for a time

Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
We don't we don't we don't want to go

Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
Into the cornfields
We don't we don't we don't want to go back there Evansville to Huntsville trip


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