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Izzy Stradlin & Ju Ju Hounds - Ain't it a Bitch / 1993

Adaugat de TUDOR 22.04.2020  Adauga la favorite 941 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Izzy Stradlin & Ju Ju Hounds - Ain't it a Bitch


Ain't that a bitch-she had it again
Ain't that a bitch-she gone and split
It's all your mess
Ain't that a bitch-what ya say for yourself

I tell ya one thing, yeah that's the last time
I lose my head again, I'll keep my mouth shut

Ain't that a bitch-you're one overdue
Ain't that a bitch-who's railin who
Ain't that a bitch-I'm not gonna stress
Ain't that a bitch-it's all your mess

I'll tell ya one thing, yeah that's the last time
you lose your head again
you keep your mouth shut

Way ta go, ya done it again, it's all your fault
Way ta go, ya done it again, it's all your fault

Ain't that a bitch-ya had it again
Ain't that a bitch-ya up and split
Ain't that a bitch-it's all your mess
Ain't that a bitch-What cha say for yourself

Way to go, ya done it again, it's all your fault
Way to go, ya done it again, it's all your fault


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