

A Far Out Disc
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Toy Dolls


Toy Dolls - Modern Schools Of Motoring / 1985

Adaugat de TUDOR 13.03.2020  Adauga la favorite 917 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Toy Dolls - Modern Schools Of Motoring


If you hoo hoo want a lesson or two,
take a hint you'll pay a mint at...
Modern School, Modern School,
they always say you are doing okay,
it's not true...
Come on everybody sing Modern School of Motoring,
the best place to go if you want to crash,
you will never pass your test,
they say you will but it's a jest,
Modern School just wants your cash.
Out on the road, don't use the highway code,
not with us it's too much fuss at...
Modern School, Modern School,
Jump in and drive you're lucky to be alive,
when it's through...
When the test day, comes around they will say,
just stay cool, that's the rule of,
Modern School, Modern School,
then when you fail, they will say next time you'll sail,
right through...


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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