

Brel parle
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  Jacques Brel - Les vieux / 1963
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  Jacques Brel - Quand Maman reviendra / 1963
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Jacques Brel - La Fanette / 1963

Adaugat de alexandra 04.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.006 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Jacques Brel - La Fanette/1963
versiunea engleza:
We were two friends in love, Fanette and I
The empty beach was warm and sleepy in July
If the sea recalls, the waves would surely say
I sang so may songs for Fanette each day
She was, she was as beautiful as rainbows in the sky
She was so beautiful and not at all am I
She was, she was there on the sand as gold as she was brown
And when I held her hand I held the world around
I was, I was so crazy then to think that it could be
I thought that I was hers, I believed she was for me
But we, we never learn until it's too late
We were two friends in love, Fanette and I
The empty beach was warm deceitful in July
If the sea recalls, the waves would surely say
I stopped singing my songs for Fanette that day
I saw, I saw them arm-in-arm enfolded by the sea
They looked so much in love they never looked at me
They saw, they saw me and they laughed, they stood and watched me cry
And sang their little song, I cursed the summer sky
You see, I'd like to tell you how
They swam so well that day
They swam so far away
You'll never see them now
Oh, no, no, no, no, no - no we never learn
But let's talk of something else
We were never two friends, Fanette and I
The empty streets are cold and crying in July
But when the waves are still I still can hear it yet
I hear a little song
I hear


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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