

The Seeds of Love
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  Tears for fears - Sowing the seeds of love / live 1989
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  Tears for Fears - Badman's Song / 1989
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Tears for Fears


Tears for Fears - Mr. Pessimist / 1989

Adaugat de noua 08.12.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.396 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Elemental was the first new Tears For Fears album in four years, following 1989's The Seeds of Love. However, despite being released under the Tears For Fears moniker, it can technically be seen as a solo effort by Roland Orzabal as Curt Smith had left the band by this time.


Time will swallow
Your precious time
Like magic create the future

What makes man so fickle ?
Who put the daggers in those eyes ?
Was it to learn
Through dark days of struggle ?
Was it to burn
To burst all our bubbles ?
Thunder and rain
Well the cynicle flame will it heat, stick and blister ?
Thunder and rain

Evangelistic brother
Should be banging a tambourine
Go wash your hands and fingers
Till your mind is clean

Was it your fate
To sleep like a normal ?
Time and decay
No man is immortal
Thunder and rain
Boredom and pain lit the cynical flame
Will it heat stick and blister ?
Thunder and rain
Still try to resist the pessimist
The pessimist no no

And these things I find
In the back of my mind
Where time lasts forever
I get all mixed
Think I'm all mankind

Listen Mr Pessimister
With your Catholic taste
Oh listen Mr Pessimister Pessimister
We do not relate
Listen Mr Pessimister, Pessimister, Pessimister
Mr Pessimister


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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