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Sailor - The Street / 1974

Adaugat de vasiliu 07.05.2018  Adauga la favorite 909 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Sailor - The Street


There's a snack bar further down the block
There's a gambler's bar full of washed-up stars
Who still believe they're lucky
There's a theatre on the side where the upper class hide
There's a cinema further down the block
And the all-night world of the sidewalk girl
Comes alive around twelve o'clock
But try to watch where you go
For you don't really know who's friend or foe
In the street, boy! That's where the action is
Where the wheelers and the dealers and the hustlers and the crooks
Get the suckers
In the street, boy! There are places not to miss
Like the all-night strip and the moonlight trip for lovers
And the cops, they try to keep the order
Breaking up another row, but they never end somehow

There's an old cafe where the young people stay
Drinking coffee and chatting through the night
But a scream outside carries far and wide
As a lady meets a flasher
There's a little old man with a newspaper stand
Full of second-hand girlie magazines ("Pssst! Buy this!")
And the guy next door, he went nuts in the war
Now he fights with the passers-by
So try to watch where you go
For you don't really know who's friend or foe
(Repeat chorus)
And the street is filling up with music from a little blind man
With a nickelodeon

(Repeat chorus)
And the cops, they try to keep the order
Breaking up another row, but they never end somehow


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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